True copies of the dying declarations of Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Theodorus Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonald, Esq; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Coppoch, the Rev. Mr. Robert Lyon, Edmund Clavering, John Hamilton, Esq; James Bradshaw, Alexander Leith, and Andrew Wood. Dulce et Decorum est, pro Patria Mori.


True copies of the dying declarations of Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Theodorus Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonald, Esq; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Coppoch, the Rev. Mr. Robert Lyon, Edmund Clavering, John Hamilton, Esq; James Bradshaw, Alexander Leith, and Andrew Wood. Dulce et Decorum est, pro Patria Mori.


True copies of the dying declarations of Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Theodorus Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonald, Esq; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Coppoch, the Rev. Mr. Robert Lyon, Edmund Clavering, John Hamilton, Esq; James Bradshaw, Alexander Leith, and Andrew Wood. Dulce et Decorum est, pro Patria Mori.




Re-printed in the year 1750


78 pages ; 8vo


Price from imprint: Price One Shilling and Six-Pence.
Several shorter versions appeared in 1746 under the title: True copies of the papers wrote by Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall ...
Binding : Paper wrappers, sewn.

Is Referenced By

ESTC T51839


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.



PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.




Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746 -- Sources
Last letters before death
Balmerino, Arthur Elphinstone, Lord, 1688-1746.
Syddall, Thomas, -1746.
Morgan, David, -1746.
Fletcher, George, -1746.
Berwick, John, - 1746.
Deacon, Thomas Theodorus, -1746.
Chadwick, Thomas, -1746.
Dawson, James, -1746.
Blyde, Andrew, -1746.
Macdonald, Donald, -1746.
Coppoch, Thomas, Rev. -1746.
Lyon, Robert, Rev. -1746.
Clavering, Edmund, -1746.
Hamilton, John, -1746.
Bradshaw, James, -1746.
Leith, Alexander, -1746.
Wood, Andrew, -1746.


In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph., 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413


Letters, Speeches

Alternative Title

Uniform title: True copies of the papers



“True copies of the dying declarations of Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Theodorus Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonald, Esq; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Coppoch, the Rev. Mr. Robert Lyon, Edmund Clavering, John Hamilton, Esq; James Bradshaw, Alexander Leith, and Andrew Wood. Dulce et Decorum est, pro Patria Mori.,” Scottish Research Collections, accessed March 10, 2025,
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