A genuine copy of the last words and dying speech of the Reverend Mr. Robert Lyon, A.M. : presbyter at Perth who suffer'd at Penrith 1746, upon the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude and perform'd the whole devotion on the scaffold, etc.


A genuine copy of the last words and dying speech of the Reverend Mr. Robert Lyon, A.M. : presbyter at Perth who suffer'd at Penrith 1746, upon the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude and perform'd the whole devotion on the scaffold, etc.


A genuine copy of the last words and dying speech of the Reverend Mr. Robert Lyon, A.M. : presbyter at Perth who suffer'd at Penrith 1746, upon the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude and perform'd the whole devotion on the scaffold, etc.


Lyon, Robert, -1746


[Edinburgh? : s.n.] per ESTC




48 pages. ; 8vo.


Library copy detached from larger work. Pages 15-48 contain last words of, or writings about other Jacobites who were executed in 1746.
This work includes on pages 16-48: "The Genuine last speech of David Hume, Esq; who was Execute at Penrith, upon the 28th of October 1746" ; "A poem written in honour of the said gentleman, by a lady of 80 years of Age" ; "A True Genuine Copy of all the papers dispers'd by Mr. James Nicholson of Trabrown, at his Execution, with Walter Ogilvie and Mr. McDonald, at Kennington-Common, August 22d 1746: who both Spoke, and Adher'd to the very same, orWords much to the same Purpose" ; "Abstract of a Letter ffrom James Main, lately of Alloa, but lastly Serjeant of Captain Burnet's Company of the Artillery, taken at Carlisle, the 30th of January 1745/6, and executed at York, the First of November 1746, (left at the Place of Execution)" ; "The last Speech and dying Words, of the above James Main, &c" ; The Coppy of the Papers left by Mr. Archibald Kennedy ; Cadet in Captain Burnet's Company, who was Executed at Work the 8th of November, 1746" ; "An Extract of a Letter, dated at London July 31 1746. Concerning Mr. James Dawson, an accomplish'd Polite young Gentleman of a Reputed Family in Lancashire, and liberal Education: His Speech is Printed in the first Part" ; "Abstract of a Letter from Archibald Lauder Cadet in Captain Burnet's Company of Artillery (and youngest Son to Robert Lauder of Bielmouth, another Captain of the said Artillery) who died in his Confinment at London, Sunday 3d of August 1746, and wrote this Letter upon the Tuesday preffeeding" ; "King James the II. and Vii. HIs Dying Words and last Expressions. The King finding himself near his End, called for and receiv'd all the Rites of the Church ; and then express'd himself, as follows" ;"An Elegy on the most Noble and Illustrious Arthur Lord Balmerino, HUmbly offer-ed to his Sacred Memory" ; "His Epitaph" and " "The Following is a List of the Gentlemen who were Barbarously Execute in England, &c." and "Sir Archibald Primrose of Dunnipace's last Letter to his Sister, the MOrning before his Execution" ; "The Last Speech of Pilips Hunt, Wig-maker and Barber in Standish of Lancashire, who was Executed at Penrith, October 28th, 1746" and "At the Trial of William Hume a Youth of Fifteen-Years, from Duns in Scotland."
"FINIS." at the bottom of page 48.

Is Referenced By

ESTC T203837


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.



PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.




Lyon, Robert, -1746


In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph. libaspc@uoguelph.ca, 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413





Lyon, Robert, -1746, “A genuine copy of the last words and dying speech of the Reverend Mr. Robert Lyon, A.M. : presbyter at Perth who suffer'd at Penrith 1746, upon the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude and perform'd the whole devotion on the scaffold, etc.,” Scottish Research Collections, accessed March 7, 2025, https://scottishresearchcollections.lib.uoguelph.ca/items/show/89.
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