The battle of Falkirk : as no body can form a well-grounded judgment, without hearing the evidence on both sides, the partial and impartial world are desir'd to read the two following relations, and then give verdict, according to their consciences


The battle of Falkirk : as no body can form a well-grounded judgment, without hearing the evidence on both sides, the partial and impartial world are desir'd to read the two following relations, and then give verdict, according to their consciences


The battle of Falkirk : as no body can form a well-grounded judgment, without hearing the evidence on both sides, the partial and impartial world are desir'd to read the two following relations, and then give verdict, according to their consciences


[Bannockburn?] : Printed at Bannockburn




1 sheet [2] pages.


Reprints two accounts, one taken from the Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh, Jan. 20. 1746. The other dated Falkirk, Jan. 17, 1746. The first account is from the Caledonian Mercury, January 20, 1746; the second is a reprint of: A short narrative of the battle of Falkirk. Dated January 17, 1746 and printed at Bannockburn, 1746.

Is Referenced By

ESTC T21418


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.



PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.




Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746 -- Campaigns
Falkirk, Battle of, Falkirk, Scotland, 1746


In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph., 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413

Alternative Title

A short narrative of the battle of Falkirk



“The battle of Falkirk : as no body can form a well-grounded judgment, without hearing the evidence on both sides, the partial and impartial world are desir'd to read the two following relations, and then give verdict, according to their consciences,” Scottish Research Collections, accessed January 22, 2025,
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