Britain’s remembrancer. Being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture. The character of this age and nation. A brief view, from history, of the effects of the vices which now prevail in Britain, upon the greatest empires and states of former times. Remarkable deliverances this nation has had in the most imminent dangers; with suitable reflections. Some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do toward securing the state from all its enemies.
Britain’s remembrancer. Being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture. The character of this age and nation. A brief view, from history, of the effects of the vices which now prevail in Britain, upon the greatest empires and states of former times. Remarkable deliverances this nation has had in the most imminent dangers; with suitable reflections. Some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do toward securing the state from all its enemies.
Burgh, James, 1714-1775.
London : printed for G. Freer, at the Bible in Bell-yard, near Temple-Bar,
48 pages ; 8vo.
Third edition.
Anonymous. By James Burgh.
Price below imprint in square brackets: Price six-pence.
Is Referenced By
ESTC N15687
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.
Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746
In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph., 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413
Burgh, James, 1714-1775., “Britain’s remembrancer. Being some thoughts on the proper improvement of the present juncture. The character of this age and nation. A brief view, from history, of the effects of the vices which now prevail in Britain, upon the greatest empires and states of former times. Remarkable deliverances this nation has had in the most imminent dangers; with suitable reflections. Some hints, shewing what is in the power of the several ranks of people, and of every individual in Britain, to do toward securing the state from all its enemies.,” Scottish Research Collections, accessed March 9, 2025,
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