Browse Items (283 total)

The rebellion happily suppressed at Preston by General Wills: A Map and Plan of the Town of Preston with the Batteries & Barricades of the Rebels, And the Attacks of the Kings Forces Commanded by General Wills.
Account of the victory obtain’d at Preston over the rebels, by the King’s forces, under the command of General Wills.
Map printed from a copperplate engraving. 36 x 48 cm
Dedication "To the Immortal Fame of General Wills, this Plate is dedicated by…

The Prince of Oranges speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him.
In this edition, there is no rule between the page number and the caption title, the last word of the first line is "now", the signature mark "A" is directly below the "n" of "down", the first word of the last line on verso is "shall", and "Exeter"…

King William the III. of glorious memory, his last speech to the Parliament, the 31st of December 1701, who dyed the 8th of March following.
Binding : Three-quarter calf on marbled boards. Bound together in a volume with 2 other works, with binder's title : "A Dissuasive from Jacobitism 1713."
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