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Les Particularitez De La Conspiration Decouverte Contre Le Roy De La Grande Bretagne & Contre Le Duc D'York : Avec Qui S'Est Passe a L'Execution Du Capitain Walcot, De William Hone, De Jean Rouse & De Mylord Russel
Dated August 19, 1683
Binding : Three-quarter morocco on marbled boards.
Special Collections copy is bound with 6 other works in a volume with binder's title "Dialogue Betwixt Whig & Tory Etc. 1693" on spine.

King William the III. of glorious memory, his last speech to the Parliament, the 31st of December 1701, who dyed the 8th of March following.
Binding : Three-quarter calf on marbled boards. Bound together in a volume with 2 other works, with binder's title : "A Dissuasive from Jacobitism 1713."

K. James’s opinion of a King, of a tyrant, and of the English laws, rights, and priviledges. In two speeches, the first to the Parliament, 1603, the second, 1609.
Special Collections copy : No. 6 of 8 works in a volume with binder's title "French Invasion to restore King James etc. 1692" on spine.
Binding: Three-quarter burgundy morocco on marbled boards.

James R. Whereas we have a near prospect of being restored to the throne of our ancestors ... we hereby ... appoint ... Charles, Prince of Wales, to be sole regent ...
In this issue. Catchword (p.1) "Royal" and concluding: "Printed by Order of his Royal Highness the Prince R.".
Followed by: Charles P.R. By virtue and authority of the above commission of Regency
Commission appointing his son Charles Edward Prince…
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